
Typhoon Season

Here in South Korea they have 4 very distinctive seasons. Winter is snowing cold and summer is worse than Florida (in both heat and humidity.) Right now South Korea is in the middle of it's Typhoon season. Korea's Typhoon season is similar to Florida's Hurricane season; rain at random points in the day, a strong humidity when it's not raining, heavy rain that seems to never let up and the occasional tropical storm.

Well just yesterday we had a Typhoon pass over this great country. In Florida we worried about where a hurricane was going to make landfall so those people could get the hell out of town. Here we have no need worrying about such things. Why? Because the Typhoon covers the whole damn country! Luckily it usually passes over within a night or day so I slept through it last night without ever knowing we has a typhoon headed towards us in the first place.

I woke up to another rainy day like any other during this season. When walking to work this morning I knew something was different when I realized: Holy crap, the rain is blowing at me, literally, sideways and my umbrella just turned inside out whilst opening it. The bus ride to work yielded more insight to some of the problems flooding causes here. When the bus drove over some of the larger puddles in the road it splashed so much water up the sides that there was 0% visibility for a brief period of time.

Sadly I didn't have my camera with me this morning but the fine fellows at http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/ posted some pictures of their walk to school this morning.


Alison said...



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