

This past month has been a hard one. From my understanding almost all teachers hit this brick wall of loneliness around their fourth month. This past month has been a blur of sleeping in, hiking alone, getting use to entertaining myself all over again and feeling a little down. This past week I started to feel like my new self again and decided to go to Myeong-dong in Seoul. Myeong-dong is the largest and trendiest fashion district in South Korea. While sitting down drinking some coffee and reflecting I saw some interesting characters.
First I saw these characters. My mood instantly started to brighten up.

Then I saw these guys. I think most of you have seen the popular youtube video of people holding signs for free hugs. These kids must be the Korean chapter? Regardless when I saw them I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that things are going to be ok and all this is just temporary. 

I think I am going to join them next weekend. 


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